
Monday, March 25, 2013

THE BIG RUMOR; iPhone 6 release

With the release of such super handsets as the Samsung Galaxy S4, Sony Xperia Z andHTC One, the next iPhone will have to seriously up its game.
The rumour mill doesn't seem too sure whether the next iPhone is going to be the iPhone 5S or the iPhone 6. Given the iPhone's history - from the 3G onwards, there's always been a half-step S model before the next numbered iPhone - we'd bet on an iPhone 5S first and an iPhone 6 a few months later. It's quite likely that Apple is moving to a two-phones-per-year upgrade cycle, but we'd bet on a springtime 5S model and a bigger, iPhone 6, update probably in September.
The iPhone 6 will feature a 4.8inch display and a 13MP sensor.
Apple likes to lead Wi-Fi standards adoption - its Airport really helped make Wi-Fi mainstream - and there's a good chance we'll see ultra-fast 802.11ac Wi-Fi in Apple kit this year. It will also feature a better 4G LTE and wireless charging.

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